PERUKI Conference 2024
This years Autumn conference took place in the iconic home of rugby in Wales - the Principality Stadium, Cardiff - on the 26thSeptember! Cardiff is the first city in the UK to be recognised as aUNICEF Child Friendly City, so where better to have a paediatric EMresearch conference? There was a packed programme with themorning focussing on our eagerly awaited PSP as well as updates from the GAPRUKI network, pearls of wisdom to support routes into research and an update on the changes and expansion of the PERUKI executive committee. The rest of the day focussed on our studies:• Studies in progress: Neonatal Triage, PETE, PicBONE, BronchStart,BACHb, EVITA, CURLY, ODD SOCKS, EASY UTI, FROG, PRECISE, Machine Learning• The findings of completed studies: FIDO & MAGPIEThe conference ended on a high note with Dr Colin Powell telling us about his adventures in PEM research, sharing the highs and lows of a long career as a researcher in paediatrics and child health. There were over 100 attendees and the feedback has been fantastic - 100% of those who completed the feedback would recommend the conference to colleagues! The challenge is set for our Scottish PERUKI representatives to see what they can organise for the 2025 Autumn conference...
James Lind AlliancePriority SettingPartnership
In September, PERUKI successfully refreshed the list of research priorities for PEM across the UK and Ireland, ensuring they reflected the most pressing issues faced by patients, carers, and healthcare professionals today .In 2015, PERUKI published its first list of PEM research priorities, informed solely by healthcare professionals. Over the last nine years, this list guided PERUKI’s research agenda with many ofthese priorities now addressed. Recognising the importance of patient and carer input, the recen trefresh actively involved these stakeholder groups alongside healthcare professionals. Using the James Lind Alliance (JLA) methodology, over 650 research questions were collected from stakeholders across the UK and Ireland. After thematic merging and literature reviews, the questions were narrowed down through two surveys and a final consensus workshop. For the first time, patients, carers, and healthcare professionals collaborated equally to rank the top10 research priorities shown below. This comprehensive process, which spanned ten months, was guided by independent JLAfacilitators and included contributions from a young person advisory group. PERUKI began work translating these priority areas into detailed PICO (Population, Intervention,Comparison, Outcome) research questions at thePERUKI conference in September to guide futurestudies. Stay tuned for further updates as we movetoward addressing these key areas to improveemergency care for children and young people.