With 76 sites across the UK & Ireland, it's likely there is a participating Emergency Department near you.
Addenbrookes Hospital Cambridge
Alder Hey Children's Hospital Liverpool
Alder Hey ED
Barking, Havering and Redbridge Hospitals Romford
Birmingham Children's Hospital Birmingham
Bradford Royal Infirmary Bradford
Bristol Royal Hospital for Children Bristol
Chelsea and Westminster London
Countess of Chester Chester
Country Durham and Darlington Hospital Darlington
Derriford Hospital Plymouth
Epsom and St Helier University Hospital
Evelina London
Frimley Park Hospital Frimley
Great North Children's Hospital Newcastle
Great Western Hospital Swindon
Hull Royal Infirmary Hull
Ipswich Hospital Ipswich
James Cook University Hospital Middlesborough
John Radcliffe Hospital Oxford
Kings College Hospital London
Kingston Hospital Kingston-upon-Thames
Leeds General Infirmary Leeds
Leicester Royal Infirmary Leicester
Medway Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Musgrove Park Hospital Taunton
Newham University Hospital
Norfolk and Norwich University Hospitals
North Manchester General Hospital Manchester
North Middlesex London
North Tees and Hartlepool
Northern Devon Healthcare NHS Trust Devon
Northumbria Hospitals
Northwick Park Hospital Harrow
Nottingham Univeristy Hospitals Nottingham
Ormskirk and District General Hospital Ormskirk
Peterborough City Hospital
Queen Alexandra Hospital Portsmouth
Royal Alexandra Hospital Brighton
Royal Berkshire NHS Foundation Trust Reading
Royal Bolton Hospital Bolton
Royal Derby Hospital Derby
Royal Devon and Exeter Exeter
Royal Free Hopsital London
Royal London and Barts London (BARTS HEALTH NHS TRUST)
Royal Manchester Children's Hospital Manchester
Royal Preston Hospital Preston
Royal United Hospital Coombe Park Bath
Royal Wolverhampton NHS Trust Wolverhampton
Salford Panda Unit
Salisbury NHS Foundation Trust Salisbury
Sheffield Children's Hospital Sheffield
Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital
South Tyneside and Sunderland NHS Foundation Trust Sunderland
Southampton Children's Hospital Southampton
St George's Hospital London
St Mary's Hospital London
UCL London
University Hospital Lewisham Lewisham
Walsall Manor Hospital Walsall
Watford General Hospital Watford
West Sussex
Western Sussex Hospital Chichester
Wexham Park Hospital Slough
Whipps Cross London
Whittington Health NHS Trust Whittington
Wirral University Teaching Hospital Arrowe Park
Island of Ireland
Children's Health Ireland at Crumlin Crumlin, Ireland
Children's Health Ireland Tallight Dubin, Ireland
Children's Health Ireland Temple Street Dublin, Ireland
Cork Unversity Hospital Cork, Ireland
Galway University Hospital
Royal Belfast Hospital for Sick Children, Belfast, Northern Ireland
Waterford University Hospital Ireland
Royal Aberdeen Children's Hospital
Fife, Scotland
Royal Hospital for Children and Young People, Edinburgh Edinburgh, Scotland
Royal Hospital for Children Yorkhill Glasgow
University Hospital Crosshouse, Scotland
Morriston Hospital Swansea, Wales
University Hospital Wales, Cardiff, Wales